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Environmental Benefits

  • Emissions Reductions: Pollutants released by fossil fuel fired electricity contribute to global climate change, causing air quality issues such as acid rain and smog, and posing risks to human health. Green building techniques like solar powering, daylighting, and facilitation of public transport increase energy efficiency and reduce harmful emissions.
  • Water Conservation: Recycling rainwater and greywater for uses such as urinal flow and irrigation can preserve potable water and yield significant water savings.
  • Stormwater Management: Stormwater runoff can cause waterway erosion, flooding, and carry pollutants into water sources. Harvesting and redirecting stormwater, building surfaces with permeable materials, and using green roofs can control and utilize overflow.
  • Temperature Moderation: The heat retention properties of taller buildings and urban materials such as concrete and asphalt are the primary causes of the urban heat island effect. These conditions may be offset by proper and conscientious building design and site selection, as well as the planting of ample trees to accompany new developments.
  • Waste Reduction: Construction and demolition generates a huge amount of solid waste in the United States and throughout the world. Building deconstruction is an alternative to full-scale demolition and results in significant decreases in waste production.